Franklin Senior Portrait Photographer | Sarah Ngo

Back in January, I posted about a session I did in November, with Sarah Ngo. Well, this week, I had the pleasure of begin able to deliver her album to her, so I thought I'd celebrate by posting images from her session!

Here are a few of my favorite images from Sarah's session.

The above image was actually designed as a triptych series inside of Sarah's album, as displayed above. As we were shooting, I got an idea for a quick "action" series of images, and I'm a big fan of flowy skirts and dresses, so we gave it some movement and that was the result!

It was mostly overcast all day long, but RIGHT before the sunset, we got lucky and some light peaked out from behind the clouds. So we raced over to a new location to try and catch the last bit of light and color in the sky before the sun disappeared again.

I love Sarah's style! The pairing of her red sneakers with this dress gave these images just the right amount of *pop*.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Sarah is a volleyball player and coaches a younger team as well! She's super passionate about what she does!

It was such a pleasure to get to work with Sarah and her family!

Thank you again to Meko Davis for her wonderful work with Sarah's hair and makeup!


Emily McGonigle Photography is a Franklin Senior Portrait Photographer, and can be contacted for booking inquiries here.