Senior Portrait - Weston English | Emily McGonigle Photography

A few weeks ago I posted a BTS blog post from Weston English's senior portrait session.

WELP... his photos are finished, and I'd love to share some of my favorites with you now!

Weston is a graduated senior from Centennial High School. We originally planned on doing his photoshoot in the fall of 2014, but outside circumstances caused us to want to wait until earlier this year to do it.

The results were well worth the wait, since there was a lot more green when we *actually* did Weston's session vs. when we would have back in the fall.

We strolled through our location, stopping at any spots that had light that caught my eye, or had an interesting backdrop.


Weston was a great model! The camera loved him!


How, GQ!

So, for my first male high school senior in Tennessee... I'd say it was a pretty awesome experience! I can't wait to work with more fellas! ^_^

ALSO... check out this awesome album and disc Weston's family ordered from his session!


As always, thank you to Chelsea Blair ( her work with Weston's hair and makeup, and to Matthew Simmons for all his help during the shoot.


Emily McGonigle Photography is a Nashville Portrait Photographer, and can be contacted for booking inquiries here.

Emily Rose McGonigle